marxup – frivolous markup language

originally named after the 19th century philosopher karl marx, and later the 20th century philosopher groucho marx

installing marxup

$ make && make install

running marxup

$ marxup -

$ marxup <file>

calling marxup

#include <stdio.h>
#include <marxup.h>

int main(void) {
  marxup(stdin, stdout, 0);
  return 0;

writing marxup

# header



[a link: /]
  <a href='/'>a link</a>

{an image: /orz.gif}
  <img src='/orz.gif' alt='an image'>

{#a video: /orz.mp4}
  <video src='/orz.mp4' title='a video'>

{~audio: /orz.ogg}
  <audio src='/orz.ogg' title='audio'>

> a quote
  <blockquote>a quote</blockquote>

* list